You are my eyes, lead me to comprehend the changing of the four seasons.
You are my eyes, lead me to pass through the crowds.

(The original singer became totally blind at the age of 15. He wrote this song for his mom.)

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I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her -- Notting Hill

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Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears, I'm here with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you...Let me be your shelter, let me be your light...

Let me adore you, to the most I can, in the last three months of my life...

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在英國的生活, 不停地挑戰著自我認同, 前陣子被朋友說, 琬屏, 你滿腦子都是吃的...

我突然不喜歡那樣的自己了... 但是不想著美食的自己... 好容易就失落了起來...  :(

想寫日記, 又不想寫日記...

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Think positively, speak positively, act positively, eat and drink positively...


Imagine how angry and painful animals are when they got killed, and you swallow their anger and pain every day...

"The hidden messages in water" can be bought on Amazon. In this book, Dr. Masaru Emoto shows his ecperiment result. Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure.

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 沒有起士"嘛ㄟ通"!! 超好吃的~

英國的披薩連鎖店Pizza Express, 可以要求它做vegan的, 它就不放cheese了, 超好的啦!! 吃完回家口裡還香一整晚上~  激發了我想要學做pizza的慾望了!! 哈哈!!

best pizza.jpg

剛剛找到的食譜英文的... 不好意思啦!!

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murmur by VeganPing (wanpping)
  • If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. Paul McCartney
    2010/05/08 03:49發表迴響

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This breaks my heart...

Killing is wrong, horribly wrong !! It shouldn't be legal!! This kind of slaughter shouldn't be exist at all!! They are sick, they are killers!!!

Please stop using animal product or eating them!!

這不應該是合法的行為, 這不是人可以做的事!! 太噁心了... 心好痛...

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阿凡達要表現的, 不只是"高大的藍色人種"...

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