Found a nice vegan cookbook! :)


Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook is available in stores October '07. It's over 250 of our favoritest vegan recipes with absolutely no "soy cheese" this or "store bought veggie burgers" that. Many of the recipes were written for every day meals, in hopes that you won't even need to look at the recipe after making it a few times. The kind of chow you can whip up any night of the week with your pantry staples and some seasonal produce. But you can also trust it when you're looking for an extravagent spread to impress, say, your inlaws, or the mayor of your town when she stops by.

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Cooking is a lot fo fun~ especially vegan one! :)


Big meal~

big meal.bmp

big meal.jpg

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Roasted or baked? Aubergine or eggplant? Any difference?

感謝秀鳳媽媽的點子! :)


材料就這兩個啦~ 味噌(濃稠液體狀) , 茄子

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Walnuts taste so good with chocolate cake!! :)


 食譜跟作法, 都跟上一篇香蕉蛋糕一樣喔!

只是這一次多了一個客人--巧克力!! Yummy!!


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Couldn't stop my tear when watching them.. animals do have feelings, no matter they are tigers or cows. Let's wish a loving world, no more animal cruelty!

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Been afraid of flour for so many years... finally found something easy and tasty! :)

我一直都是"麵粉"恐懼症患者, 煮甚麼都好, 就是不要碰麵粉, 不要一堆步驟, 不要秤子, 不要茶匙~



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Vegetarian's heaven : Singapore, India, San Francisco, Morocco, Italy, Lebanon, Thailand.

奶蛋素食的旅遊天堂: 新加坡,印度, 舊金山, 摩洛哥, 義大利, 黎巴嫩, 泰國

Vegetarian's hell city : Central Asia, Argentina, Germany

奶蛋素食者的旅遊地獄 : 中亞, 阿根廷, 德國(但我吃純素的朋友去德國倒是很滿意)


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It's my myth, too.
原來我們不需要攝取蛋白質, 只要食物中含豐富酵素就可以

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