目前分類:My life (17)

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以前高中時,梁詠琪Gigi好紅好紅, 當時正在力拼大學的我, 不知道她是誰,

卻常常被同學說我跟她好像 <可惜只有像到臉... 身高ooxxgg....>

常常聽到有人叫我唱"短髮", 但我真的不會唱, 而且, 我喜歡留長髮,

今年夏天實在太熱了, 把離開國中髮禁之後就一直留的長髮剪了,

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"生活的目地在增進人類全體之生活" ~蔣校長

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Vista真的很難用... :(


真是想不透, 怎麼會有那麼爛的設計... :(

不知道要怎麼使用超連結, 下面的文章寫得超好的,

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Slam Dunk!
那樣的熱血, 聽幾百遍都一樣感動~
那樣熱切擁抱生命的日子, 一輩子卻只能擁有一次!

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There's some kind of kiss that you'll never forget

might be your very first kiss

未命名 - 15.jpg  


might be the kiss on your shoulder or back

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The transition in your life is still part of your life.

Life is too short to be wasted on swearing at people who don't even notice your swear but annoying people who sit next to you.

Life is not gaming, you can't restart it again and again and again.

Once, sincere love was laid right in front of my face,

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下面網頁有詳細解說喔! http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!BdVJ.LeLHxxRteRZ126ZCNQZbQ--/article?mid=335


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Look how he was holding her hand...

Mr. Knightley is not handsome, to be honest. But what he did and how he adored Emma made him very very attractive!!

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suddenly found that I almost got all my wishes come true in these years... although it didn't always come in the way I expected...

This reminds me of this film, Bedazzled, which I thought meaningless, pointless, valualess... but look back my life.. it became so real... except that I had to work hard to make my dreams come true and all he did was just to make a wish. But when dreams came true, it's just like what happened in the film, there's always something wrong with it, sometimes it was so wrong that made me bitterly regret it and now I realise that I should be careful before I pray to God. Also, if you see the ending, you might understand why.

(Only the unselfish wishes can lead to a big happy ending, I suppose...)

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Sounds more like 101 things that I'll never get in my life...


What's the point to be a good girl?????????????????????????????????

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"What if I'll never kiss your lips again..."

Watched this film when I was too young to be touched. Now by only watching the trailer makes me weep.

Love, hopeless, no choice... why it must be heartbreaking...

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You are my eyes, lead me to comprehend the changing of the four seasons.
You are my eyes, lead me to pass through the crowds.

(The original singer became totally blind at the age of 15. He wrote this song for his mom.)

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I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her -- Notting Hill

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Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears, I'm here with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you...Let me be your shelter, let me be your light...

Let me adore you, to the most I can, in the last three months of my life...

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在英國的生活, 不停地挑戰著自我認同, 前陣子被朋友說, 琬屏, 你滿腦子都是吃的...

我突然不喜歡那樣的自己了... 但是不想著美食的自己... 好容易就失落了起來...  :(

想寫日記, 又不想寫日記...

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