suddenly found that I almost got all my wishes come true in these years... although it didn't always come in the way I expected...

This reminds me of this film, Bedazzled, which I thought meaningless, pointless, valualess... but look back my life.. it became so real... except that I had to work hard to make my dreams come true and all he did was just to make a wish. But when dreams came true, it's just like what happened in the film, there's always something wrong with it, sometimes it was so wrong that made me bitterly regret it and now I realise that I should be careful before I pray to God. Also, if you see the ending, you might understand why.

(Only the unselfish wishes can lead to a big happy ending, I suppose...)

突然發現我在這幾年之內, 已經幾乎把我的夢想都快實現完了, 但是感覺就跟"神鬼願望"裡一樣, 沒有一個夢想在實現的時候是完整美好的, 甚至有時候還讓我悔不當初...
以前看這部片時, 覺得是部大爛片, 現在回過頭來想想, 真的跟我的人生很像, 唯一的差別在於, 我必須要很辛苦很努力才能實現夢想, 而布蘭登費雪只要許個願望, 就能達成了...
能在這個年紀靠自己的能力完成這些夢想, 雖然是透過努力, 但我想上帝一定也聽到了我的禱告, 帶著天使們在幫助我更快地達成願望, 也因此, 許願時請小心... 如果你有看到電影結局就知道了...

(只有無私的願望, 才能在實現的時候不讓人後悔傷感吧!! )

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