目前分類:Vegan love animals 純素愛護小動物 (4)

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在一個溫馨的晚餐聚會裡, 人們讚不絕口的肉排, 詢問主人之下, 發現竟是黃金獵犬!! 你選擇吃還是不吃??

所有動物都有感覺, 跟人類一樣會痛會生氣會哀傷, 狗狗跟牛牛鴨鴨一樣, 只有人類能終止他們的痛苦... 因為這一切都是人類為了自己享樂而加諸在他們身上的...

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What about teachers, writers, chefs, carpenters?!?!? So curious!!

I've heard something like, if you want to go to Heaven to be with God after you die, you need to live as noble as angels or God so that your quality is the same as them, then you can go to Heaven to be with them.

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This breaks my heart...

Killing is wrong, horribly wrong !! It shouldn't be legal!! This kind of slaughter shouldn't be exist at all!! They are sick, they are killers!!!

Please stop using animal product or eating them!!

這不應該是合法的行為, 這不是人可以做的事!! 太噁心了... 心好痛...

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Couldn't stop my tear when watching them.. animals do have feelings, no matter they are tigers or cows. Let's wish a loving world, no more animal cruelty!

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