在"開始功能表"找不到"執行"? 沒辦法使用telnet?  別慌, 輕輕鬆鬆三分鐘解決喔!


找到"工作列及「開始功能表」", 進入,

點"開始功能表", 選"自訂",

勾選"執行命令", 按"確定", 就完成囉!! :)

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Look how he was holding her hand...

Mr. Knightley is not handsome, to be honest. But what he did and how he adored Emma made him very very attractive!!

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murmur by VeganPing (wanpping)
  • What's the meaning of life, if we just grow old as everyone else does and do whatever as everyone else does?
    2010/07/16 23:00發表迴響

瓶子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

suddenly found that I almost got all my wishes come true in these years... although it didn't always come in the way I expected...

This reminds me of this film, Bedazzled, which I thought meaningless, pointless, valualess... but look back my life.. it became so real... except that I had to work hard to make my dreams come true and all he did was just to make a wish. But when dreams came true, it's just like what happened in the film, there's always something wrong with it, sometimes it was so wrong that made me bitterly regret it and now I realise that I should be careful before I pray to God. Also, if you see the ending, you might understand why.

(Only the unselfish wishes can lead to a big happy ending, I suppose...)

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在一個溫馨的晚餐聚會裡, 人們讚不絕口的肉排, 詢問主人之下, 發現竟是黃金獵犬!! 你選擇吃還是不吃??

所有動物都有感覺, 跟人類一樣會痛會生氣會哀傷, 狗狗跟牛牛鴨鴨一樣, 只有人類能終止他們的痛苦... 因為這一切都是人類為了自己享樂而加諸在他們身上的...

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What about teachers, writers, chefs, carpenters?!?!? So curious!!

I've heard something like, if you want to go to Heaven to be with God after you die, you need to live as noble as angels or God so that your quality is the same as them, then you can go to Heaven to be with them.

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murmur by VeganPing (wanpping)
  • What's the meaning of life? :(
    2010/07/13 04:45發表迴響

瓶子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Sounds more like 101 things that I'll never get in my life...


What's the point to be a good girl?????????????????????????????????

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"What if I'll never kiss your lips again..."

Watched this film when I was too young to be touched. Now by only watching the trailer makes me weep.

Love, hopeless, no choice... why it must be heartbreaking...

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A great doctor who cares about the relation between his patients’ diet and intestines.
新谷弘實, 一位關心病人飲食習慣與腸道健康的醫師。

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